Hana ga Takai (Long Nose)

Sep 30, 2016 02:04
Today, I will talk about the Japanese idiom "hana ga takai," whose literal meaning is "long nose".

Of course, this idiom has meaning that someone's nose is physically long, but has also meaning of "proud" or "boastful".

For example, it's used as "musuko ga tenis no taikai de yusyo shite hana ga takai" (my nose is long because my son won the tennis tournament).

It is said that this idiom comes from a long-nosed goblin called Tengu.

The Tengu is a mythical creature in Japan, and is also called "symbol of pride."

If you say "Tengu ni naru" (to be Tengu), it will express "to be proud."

"Hana ga takai" and "Tengu ni naru" have the same etymology, but note that the former doesn't have bad nuances, while the latter expresses bad impressions.






No. 1 Abrielia's correction
  • Today, I will talk about the Japanese idiom "hana ga takai," whose literal meaning is "long nose".
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Of course, this idiom has meaning that someone's nose is physically long, but has also meaning of "proud" or "boastful".
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • For example, it's used as "musuko ga tenis no taikai de yusyo shite hana ga takai" (my nose is long because my son won the tennis tournament).
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • It is said that this idiom comes from a long-nosed goblin called Tengu.
  • It is said that this idiom comes from the story of a long-nosed goblin called Tengu.
  • The Tengu is a mythical creature in Japan, and is also called "symbol of pride."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • If you say "Tengu ni naru" (to be Tengu), it will express "to be proud."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • "Hana ga takai" and "Tengu ni naru" have the same etymology, but note that the former doesn't have bad nuances, while the latter expresses bad impressions.
  • "Hana ga takai" and "Tengu ni naru" have the same etymology, but note that the former doesn't have bad nuances, while the latter has a bad connotation.
No. 2 Abrielia's correction
  • Today, I will talk about the Japanese idiom "hana ga takai," whose literal meaning is "long nose".
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Of course, this idiom has meaning that someone's nose is physically long, but has also meaning of "proud" or "boastful".
  • Of course, this idiom has the meaning that someone's nose is physically long, but also has the meaning of "proud" or "boastful".
  • For example, it's used as "musuko ga tenis no taikai de yusyo shite hana ga takai" (my nose is long because my son won the tennis tournament).
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • It is said that this idiom comes from a long-nosed goblin called Tengu.
  • It is said that this idiom comes from the story of a long-nosed goblin called Tengu.
  • The Tengu is a mythical creature in Japan, and is also called "symbol of pride."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • If you say "Tengu ni naru" (to be Tengu), it will express "to be proud."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • "Hana ga takai" and "Tengu ni naru" have the same etymology, but note that the former doesn't have bad nuances, while the latter expresses bad impressions.
  • "Hana ga takai" and "Tengu ni naru" have the same etymology, but note that the former doesn't have bad nuances, while the latter has a bad connotation.
No. 3 Abrielia's correction
  • Today, I will talk about the Japanese idiom "hana ga takai," whose literal meaning is "long nose".
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Of course, this idiom has meaning that someone's nose is physically long, but has also meaning of "proud" or "boastful".
  • Of course, this idiom has the meaning that someone's nose is physically long, but also has the meaning of "proud" or "boastful".
  • For example, it's used as "musuko ga tenis no taikai de yusyo shite hana ga takai" (my nose is long because my son won the tennis tournament).
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • It is said that this idiom comes from a long-nosed goblin called Tengu.
  • It is said that this idiom comes from a story of a long-nosed goblin called Tengu.
  • The Tengu is a mythical creature in Japan, and is also called "symbol of pride."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • "Hana ga takai" and "Tengu ni naru" have the same etymology, but note that the former doesn't have bad nuances, while the latter expresses bad impressions.
  • "Hana ga takai" and "Tengu ni naru" have the same etymology, but note that the former doesn't have bad nuances, while the latter has a bad connotation.
Thank you so much for correcting my post! :)
Lol. Lang-8 glitched and loaded my corrections 3 times. It kept stalling on the post. Sorry!